- Gabion & walling stone
- Landscape & Building Products

Mone Bros have been operating quarries and providing primary aggregates across Yorkshire since the 1970's. We have extensive experience of quarry operations ranging from blasting and processing to final restoration.
Blackhill Quarry in North Leeds covers 25 acres and has been operational for over eighty years. Blackhill operations include blasting and extraction of block to produce walling stone and aggregate materials, with excess material (after crushing and screening) being used to provide high quality building & grit sands and crusher run. The quarry also stocks a wide range of decorative gravels, natural paving and high quality top soils and compost. You can view and purchase products online @ www.monebrosdiy.co.uk
Eggborough Sandpit covers 40 acres and is located in the shadow of the redundant Eggborough Power Station. The site produces an excellent red fill sand and has a landfill capacity of over one million tonnes.
Temple Quarry at Grange Moor, near Huddersfield, is a sandstone quarry providing primary aggregates in the form of single sized aggregates, grit sand and walling stone. The quarry has a landfill capacity of over one million tonnes.

Our Quarries Produce & Supply:
- Primary Aggregates
- Building Sand
- Grit Sand
- Fill Sand
- Pipe Bedding
- Gabion Stone
- Rockery Stone
- Single Size Aggregates
- Recycled Type 1 to Clause 803 of the Highway Specification
- Limestone Type 1
- 6F2/5
- Class 1 & 2 Fill
- Bagged Products
- Decorative Gravels
- Natural Stone Paving
- Topsoil